I find myself baffled at times with sharing what’s on my mind with my significant other. It’s not just one particular thing, but it comes in a mixture of different forms. Pride, emotions, feelings, fears, anxiousness and many other things usually stops me. That’s when I go and pray about it, and then attempt again to go about what’s bothering me in more cautious way.

There are many people who let pride get in the way, when it comes to expressing what’s wrong. Sometimes, even expressing the good in how we feel may become a prideful thing. There were times when I’ve sat and thought really good things about my marriage that I wanted to express, but when it comes down to it I never find the courage/words to express what’s going on.

If you’re anything like this, I’m praying for you. I’m praying for us all, because we don’t tend to communicate as we should. At times, it might even be the enemy putting things in our heads that causes us to act prideful, but we must consult with God and then go talk to the person we’re having the issue/situation with. The bible, clearly states that we are to dissolve our issues with one another before the sun comes up.

If you are just on that step, of being able to solve that thing before a new day comes then that’s a great start. I’m sure that with the help of God it gets better. Better to the point that we will be able to listen, question, then resolve the issues. What do you have to lose? Think about it, beauties!